
Monday, September 26, 2011

The most effective Vitamin for Dry Skin

Dry skin is an irritating problem that most commonly affects the arms, the lower legs, the thighs and the sides of the abdomen. Those suffering from dry skin problems generally experience itching, scaling, and cracks in the skin. Luckily, by using a vitamin for dry skin, this problem can be prevented and even reversed.

Causes of Dry Skin

Dry skin is a common problem, particularly during the winter months when it is cold outside and artificial heat is used indoors. The harsh outside weather combined with the lack of humidity indoors makes it hard for your skin to stay moist. Certain activities, such as gardening, can also dry out the skin. In addition, using harsh soaps or bathing too often can wash away your skin’s natural moisture.

Lifestyle Changes to Prevent Dry Skin

To help prevent dry skin from occurring, you should keep your baths and showers short and never use hot water. You should also use as little soap as necessary, using it primarily on the armpits, face, and genital region. Also, be sure to use mild soaps if dry skin is a problem for you. Adding bath oils to your water can also help moisturize your skin, just be sure to avoid ones with alcohol in them because alcohol dries the skin out. Using a humidifier to keep the air moist and drinking water throughout the day also helps prevent your skin from drying out.

Using A Vitamin For Dry Skin Prevention

There are several vitamins that can help prevent or heal dry skin when taken orally or used topically. One vitamin for dry skin is Vitamin A, or retinol. A diet with insufficient amounts of vitamin A can actually lead to dry skin because vitamin A is responsible for the maintenance of healthy skin, as well as hair. Therefore, be sure to include plenty of vitamin A in your diet. The US RDA recommends 700 RAE per day of vitamin A for women. Good sources of vitamin A include carrots, sweet potatoes, boiled kale, turnip greens, mango, papaya, raw spinach, red and green bell peppers, cantaloupe, apricot, milk, eggs, romaine lettuce, tomatoes, broccoli, and oranges. Research has shown that using vitamin A as a topical skin treatment also helps decrease signs of dryness and aging.

Another vitamin for dry skin is Vitamin B Complex. Like vitamin A, a diet deficient in vitamin B can lead to dry skin. Vitamin B is actually comprised of multiple vitamins: Thiamine (B-1), Riboflavin (B-2), Niacin (B-3), Pantothenic Acid (B-5), Pyridoxine (B-6), Biotin (B-7), Folic Acid (B-9), and Cyanocobalamin (B-12). For this reason, vitamin B is often referred to as B-Complex. One of the jobs of vitamin B is to help maintain healthy skin. Other health benefits of vitamin B is that it enhances the immune system, improves muscle tone, and promotes cell growth and division. B-Complex is also know to help reduce stress and depression when included in the diet, which can indirectly help your skin stay moist and healthy. B vitamins are often found together in foods, but the best way to ensure you are getting enough vitamin B in your diet is to take a B-Complex vitamin once or twice per day, depending on the dosage level and the recommendation of the manufacturer.

Vitamin C is another vitamin for dry skin. Vitamin C is necessary to produce collagen in the skin. Collagen helps new tissue develop and strengthens the blood vessels, both of which help your skin maintain proper circulation and moisture. The US RDA recommends 60-90 mg of vitamin C to be included in the diet per day. Good sources of vitamin c include citrus fruits, potatoes, tomatoes, black currants, papaya, brussel sprouts, broccoli, cauliflower, strawberries, cantaloupe, spinach, cranberries, kiwi, and red peppers. When used in topical moisturizers, vitamin C can also be beneficial in treating dry skin.

Vitamin E is another great vitamin for dry skin. Although vitamin E can be added to the diet through foods such as wheat germ, vegetables, and nuts, the best way to use vitamin E is topically. It has been shown to eliminate both dryness and itching skin. In addition, vitamin E creams can help fight against free radicals and minimize the appearance of wrinkles.

The best way to get enough of these vitamins for dry skin into your diet is to take a Multivitamin once or twice per day. If you make sure to purchase a multi-vitamin that contains B-Complex, you can take care of all of your dry skin needs with just one wonderful little pill!

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